Mom's kickin' ass

Can you believe we actually got into a conversation about who's mom could kick the other's mom's ass? Really... I still maintain my mother could kick his mother's ass anyday. My mother in law is quick whitted...with words, after all she is a New Yorker, so if you got into a verbal argument with her, you would probably run away bawling your eyes out in humiliation. No lie. BUT, my mom wouldn't stand for trash talk, after all she comes from a family with 6 sisters all only a year or two apart. They grew up in the south where if you talked trash about someone in the family, you wouldn't have one girl to deal with, you would be dealing with all 6 of them. Not to say that my mother doesn't know a thing or two about southern hospitality, but she knows a thing or two about sticking up for your own as well. It's so funny b/c she is a throw back from the 70's. A small hippie chick southern bell w/ a Mike Tyson punch.

Needless to say, the only way hubby was going to win that argument was to throw me on the bed and have his way with me. "Who has the power now?" he asks... I let him believe it was him. That is what wives do...isn't it?


Anonymous said...


Ya'll women just like to think that youre letting your man thing he has the power...

Did that make sense?

EJL said...


I know that he knows I'm in's kind of an unspoken truth