Poo Poo Stain

Ellie "I called Chem Dry, they want $200 to clean the dog pee off the carpet, if we do just regular cleaning it's $90"
Hubby: "Shit, what is the other $110 for?"
Ellie: " She said she had to saturate the carpet with the chemical"
Hubby " I'll saturate the carpet with my chemical for $110 dollars!! Shit, if it costs $200 to get piss out the carpet I wonder what theyda charge for a dump!"
Ellie : "it's the same cost"
Hubby : "I should take a big ole' dump on the carpet and leave it there and see what they say. The woman would be like " Oh My Gawd, Whuts that? and I would say "don't know, maybe the dawg did it!"
At this point I did a 'giggle giggle snort snort. I was searching the net for carpet people to call and I found one, at that point, I said to hubby:
"Here's one right up the street from us.. Top 2 Bottom Carpet cleaners!... look honey, they will clean my top carpet then move on to my bottom!"

Both of us just couldn't stop laughin!

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